Disclosure policy
FUJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO., LTD. strive to provide timely information to shareholders and investors based on the principles of transparency and consistency for better understanding of our business and policy.
Following disclosure policy is posted on our web site considering various laws, regulations, rules and disclosure conditions.
1. Criteria of disclosure
The Company discloses important information such as management decisions, corporate events and information related to earning results that will affect investment decisions, in compliance with the regulations defined by Tokyo Stock Exchange,Inc.'s "The Rule Regarding the Timely Disclosure of Company Information of Issuer of Listed Stocks".
(This regulation shall be described "Timely Disclosure Rules" below.)
Any critical information not covered under "Timely Disclosure Rules" that is likely to assist investors in better understanding of the Company will be disclosed under the principle of fairness.
2. The method of disclosure
Information directly covered by the "Timely Disclosure Rules" will be immediately disclosed through the TD-net. (The timely disclosure net Online Registration System operated Tokyo Stock Exchange,Inc.)
All information will be posted to our corporate web site immediately following the disclosure.
FUJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO., LTD. will also provide timely, accurate and fair disclosure of other information not covered by "Timely disclosure Rule" through TD-net, press release to newspapers and/or corporate web site.
3. Preciseness of information
We pay the highest attention to the content and preciseness of any information we release on our web site, but kindly in advance that hereby, we do not guarantee or accept any liability regarding the content or preciseness of the information. Especially for important facts, we request that you refer to our official financial statements and other officially disclosed information based on "The Timely Disclosure Rule".
Also the information on the web site will be changed or deleted without prior notice.
4. Risky information
Possibly risky information about our business activities on our web site shall be judged by investors yourself after careful examination of its possibility and uncertainty.
5. Forecast into the future
Our prospect and business plans on our web site are not the historical fact, but a prospective view based on the current information.
Please recognize that actual results may differ dramatically, due to external factors beyond our control. Therefore please do not accept these information without question in the case of investment.
6. Stock price information
The web site page showing stock price information for FUJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO., LTD. is linked to Nomura Securities co., LTD., thus we are not responsible for its contents. As for the price we abide by our policy not to comment on them, based on our recognition that our stocks are traded appropriately through the market.
7. Quiet Period
FUJI ELECTRIC INDUSTRY CO., LTD. designate the period starting with the day after the end of fiscal year to the date of the announcement of its financial results as a Quiet Period to prevent unauthorized disclosure of financial information and to ensure fairness.
During this period, the Company will neither comment upon nor respond to queries concerning its financial results.
However, should an apparent discrepancy between the financial results attained during the Quiet Period and the announced financial results forecast exceeded a reasonable difference, we will release a revised financial results forecast defined by "Timely Disclosure Rules".
8. Judgement of Investment
Our web site information is posted for better understanding of our company, not for solicitation of investment.
Investment decisions shall be judged by investor yourself.
We have no responsibility for the damage of your investment based on the information on our web site.